- The Modern Language Association Web site (www.mla.org) has many resources for job seekers at the community college. See especially the Job Information Lists, the Committee on Community College link, and the possibilities of job counseling at the MLA annual meeting.
- The National Council of Teachers of English (www.ncte.org) has information about its organization for two-year college faculty members, the Two-Year College English Association (http://cccc.ncte.org/tyca), and its regional subgroups; a refereed journal, Teaching English in the Two-Year College; and an annual conference that includes job interviews, the Conference on College Composition and Communication (4 C’s) (www.ncte.org/cccc/).
- The Chronicle of Higher Education (online as well as in print) lists academic positions weekly and periodically publishes “The Two-Year Track,” a series of columns by Rob Jenkins on teaching in the community college. “The Two-Year Track” archives are available online at chronicle.com. The Chronicle also hosts a job market discussion forum (chronicle.com/forums/).
- The American Association of Community Colleges provides a wealth of data and information about two-year colleges (www.aacc.nche.edu). The AACC publishes a compendium called National Profile of Community Colleges: Trends and Statistics, which offers a comprehensive view of community colleges.
- Another resource is the ERIC Clearinghouse for Community Colleges (www.eric.ed.gov). There you can search the ERIC database for journal articles and documents relating to community colleges.
- The League for Innovation in the Community College (www.league.org) has information on its member colleges and hosts a “jobnet.”
- Many states maintain lists and notifications of available community college positions. See, for example, www.cccco.edu, the Web site of the California Community College Chancellor’s Office.
- Professional organizations list openings in their journals and on their Web sites.
- Regional and national newspapers list positions as well.
Works Cited
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